Tuesday morning, I woke up on my German 7 or 7:15 am, I change clothes, eat breakfast, collected, and his mother drove me to the train station, where I waited for the other fellow Spanish, because Rüdeshein we visited, with peers, teachers and the principal exchange. Upon arrival, we were shown around the future field full of vineyards, streets, shops and finally boarded a cable car, where you could see everything perfectly. Upon reaching our destination, we took a small path through the forest, where every house, cave, special monument, they told us stories or small details of its significance. At the end of the explanation, we ate and we set off, it would lower by a chairlift to take a boat. Going down in the lift, looked around a lot more, but the landscape is appreciated, everything looked more beautiful. Once we got to the boat stop, we climbed, and rested a little, until the ship stopped and went to buy souvenirs. In the afternoon, all the exchange went home to Henry, where the girls were talking and the boys played football or play or in the garden. On the 20h we went home, upon arrival, we ate pizza, I showered, I took the iPod, chat, and went to sleep. It was a tiring day.
( Castellano) El martes por la mañana, mi Alemán me desperto sobre las 7 o 7:15h , me cambie de ropa, desayune, recogí, y su madre me llevo en coche, a la estación de tren, donde me esperaban los demós compañeros Españoles, porque ibamos a visitar Rüdeshein, con los compañeros, profesores y el director de la escuela de intercambio. Nada mas llegar, nos enseñaron todo el terreno lleno de futuras viñas, las calles , tiendas y finalmente subimos a un telesferico, donde se veia todo perfectamente. Al llegar a nuestro destino, dimos una pequeña ruta por el bosque, donde en cada casa, cueva, monumento especial, nos explicaban histórias o pequeños detalles de su gran significado. Al acabar las explicaciones, comimos y nos pusimos en marcha, porque bajaríamos por un telesilla para coger un barco. Al bajar en el telesilla, se veia todo mucho mas , se apreciaba mas el paisaje, todo se veia mas bonito. Una vez llegamos a la parada del barco, nos subimos, y descansamos un poco, hasta que el barco paro y nos fuimos a comprar recuerdos. A la tarde, todos los del intercambio fuimos a casa de Henry, donde las chicas hablabamos y los chicos jugaban o a la play o a futbol en el jardin. Sobre las 20h nos fuimos a casa, nada mas llegar, cenamos pizza, me duche, me cogi el iPod , chatee, y me puse a dormir. Fue un dia agotador.
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