In the morning the usual way, Leon woke me up, had breakfast, got dressed, I picked up and went to the station. This time, it was like the first day, only Spanish. Nosmontamos the train at 8:30 to go to Wiesbaden, catch another train and go to Mainz where a guide, we teach the Gutenberg Museum, smaller books that exist, the first Bibles, as does the press ... A vey finished the explanation inside the museum, we left off where he had big sculptures ... He has explained the meaning, and left. We were taking pictures, and eating. Today we would run not so much, because in the afternoon we had an appointment to go to the pool and we had to rest and take the train, then we tubimos to go. A vey Niedernhausen, went up to the school to pick up the schedule we had for school, and explained vey, each to his house. Hize blog, talk to my family and around 5 we went to the pool, where we had super good, talking, singing, taking pictures under water ,...
Por la mañana paso lo de siempre, Leon me despertó, desayunamos, me vesti, recogí y nos fuimos hacia la estacion. Esta vez, era como el primer dia, solo Españoles. Nosmontamos al tren a las 8:30 para ir a Wiesbaden, coger otro tren e ir a Mainz donde una guia, nos enseñaria el museo Gutenberg, los libros mas pequeños que existen, las primeras biblias, como se hace la imprenta... Una vey acabada la explicacion interior del museo, hemos salido fuera donde habia en grande esculturas... Nos ha explicado el significado, y se fue. Nosotros nos quedamos haciendo fotos, y comiendo. Hoy no nos quedariamos tanto, porque a la tarde habiamos quedado para ir a la piscina y teniamos que descansar y coger el tren, entonces nos tubimos que ir. Una vey en Niedernhausen, subimos a la escuela a recoger el horario que teniamos para la escuela, y una vey explicado, cada uno a su casa. Hize el blog, hable con mi familia y sobre las 5 nos fuimos a la piscina, donde nos lo pasamos super bien, hablando, cantando, haciendo fotos debajo del agua..
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