dijous, 11 d’abril del 2013


The first day, we were all super-nervous, we got up at 4 and were at the airport at 5:30, where we set off to Alemania. We arrived at 9:20, we picked up our Germans, and they took it to my house, because faster, we had to go to school, have to see it, and make a brief presentation the Spanish to the Germans in English, so that knew how is roughly Barcelona, customs ... At the end we all went to the dining room where we ate mashed potatoes and hamburgers with cheese. On the 13h we went home. The house where I have had, is huge, I have a plant for myself, with kitchen, garden, bathroom ... By leaving the suitcase, undoing .. introduced me to his family upon his arrival and the rest of the house. The father offered me the wifi, but nose was happening that did not work, then Leon, I left his iPod to talk to my family. Dine with them, I got the sheets, I did my bed and went to sleep.

( Castellano) El primer día, todos estabamos super nerviosos, nos levantamos a las 4 y quedamos en el Aeropuerto a las 5:30, donde nos pusimos en marcha hacia Alemanya. Llegamos a las 9:20, nuestros alemanes nos recogieron, y nos llevaron a casa a dejar las maletas, porque rapidamente, teniamos que ir a la escuela, ha verla, y hacer una breve presentacion los españoles a los Alemanes en ingles, para que supieran como es mas o menos Barcelona, sus costumbres... Al acabar todos fuimos al comedor, donde comimos pure de patatas y hamburgesas con queso. Sobre la 13h nos fuimos a casa. La casa donde me ha tocado, es gigante, tengo una planta para mi sola, con cocina, jardín, baño... Al dejar la maleta, deshacerla.. me presento a su familia nada mas llegar y el resto de la casa. El padre me ofrecio el wifi, pero nose que pasaba que no me funcionaba, entonces Leon, me dejó su iPod para hablar con mi familia. Cene con ellos, me dieron las sabanas, me hize la cama, y me puse a dormir.

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